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Rituals Mini Incense Holder Set

On sale

27th April 2023

Price: £10.99

Selected:  Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780762482764

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Add enchantment to your wellness routine with Rituals Mini Incense Holder Set, a self-care set featuring a ceramic incense holder, incense, crystal, and more.

– The perfect addition to your practice. Bring calm and wonder to your self-care practice with this expertly curated set of enriching wellness tools.
– Ceramic incense holder. Set the tone for meditation or relaxation with incense. Each set includes a molded ceramic incense holder and incense sticks.
– Includes 1-inch crystal. Your self-care set includes a genuine 1-inch crystal, perfect for cleansing your space and self before each ritual.
– Bonus book. Explore a 32-page illustrated book filled with wellness rituals, all infused with a touch of magic.