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Ella Morris

On sale

25th September 2014

Price: £10.99

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Selected: ebook / ISBN-13: 9780297871392

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Spanning the decades from WWII to the Yugoslav conflict, Ella Morris is the story of a continent, and of a woman torn between two men.

Born in Berlin on the eve of Hitler’s rise to power, Ella Andrzejewski escapes Soviet-occupied europe and finds a safe haven in England. Here, she marries George Morris but falls passionately in love with a French student ten years her junior.

The ramifications of this love triangle and of Ella’s traumatic past will reverberate through the generations, as her children try to find their own troubled peace in a continent still scarred by war.


Kate Saunders, THE TIMES
The pace of this epic is stately yet never too slow; the sheer scale of the thing is breathtaking.