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Code Noir

On sale

1st July 2004

Price: £6.99

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Selected: Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781841492575

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Jamon Mondo may be dead, but don’t think that makes Parrish Plessis’ life any less complicated. Sure, she’s got a shape-changing psycho off her back, but at what cost? The media have a price on her head so high that every scumbag from the Tert to Viva City Central is out to get a piece of her. The neighbouring ganglords are getting antsy for a share of the territory she just liberated. And Cabal Coomera reckon Parrish owes them a blood debt – one that can only be repaid by assassinating Loyl Daac, the only guy to ever majorly interest her. One thing’s for sure … Parrish is gonna need some bigger guns …


...Pierre's usual exhilarating mix of action and attitude in a world of voodoo factions, mutations and an unscrupulous, all powerful media. THE AUSTALIAN