Simon Morden
By the Author
The kingdom of Carinthia is rich, powerful and undefeated. A thousand years ago, its ancestors were the spell-wielding northern tribes who crushed the Roman Empire.…
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The Curve of the Earth
WELCOME TO THE METROZONE Post-apocalyptic London, full of street gangs and homeless refugees. A dangerous city needs an equally dangerous saviour. Step forward Samuil Petrovitch,…
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The Petrovitch Trilogy
Welcome to the Metrozone - post-apocalyptic London of the future. Whilst the rest of Britain has devolved to anarchy, the M25 cordon protects a decaying…
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Degrees Of Freedom
The Six Degrees of Samuel Petrovitch: * Michael is an AI of incalculable complexity trapped under the remains of Oshicora Tower. Petrovitch will free him…
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Theories Of Flight
THEOREM: Petrovitch has a lot of secrets. PROOF: Secrets like how to make anti-gravity for one. For another, he's keeping a sentient computer program on…
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Equations Of Life
Samuil Petrovitch is a survivor. He survived the nuclear fallout in St. Petersburg and hid in the London Metrozone - the last city in England.…