Ed Mayo and Agnes Nairn
Ed Mayo is a leading campaigner and commentator on social and economic issues and is Chief Executive of Consumer Focus. Ed has written widely, including research on children as consumers, described by Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian as ‘a groundbreaking study’. Ed helped to found
the Fairtrade brand and was the strategist behind the world’s most successful anti-poverty campaign, Jubilee 2000. The
Guardian nominated him as one of the top 100 most influential social innovators and he is a World Economics Forum ‘Young Global Leader’. Ed is married with three
children and lives in South East London.
Agnes Nairn is an academic researcher, writer, speaker and consultant. She is Professor of Marketing at two of Europe’s leading business schools, EM-Lyon Business School in France and RSM Erasmus University in the Netherlands. Agnes’s academic research has been published in a wide range of international journals and her policy-related work includes the first study of the links between media exposure,
materialism and self-esteem in UK children. She has also written on Barbie torture, how children use David Beckham to understand moral values, covert marketing techniques on the internet and how neuroscience throws new light on how children relate to advertising. She is on the government panel convened by the Department of Children, Schools and Families to assess the impact of the commercial world on children. Agnes is married with two children and lives in Bath.
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