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Don't Believe the Hype

On sale

13th April 2023

Price: £24.99

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Selected: Audiobook Downloadable / ISBN-13: 9781399705790

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The world of fashion is supposed to be glamorous . . . isn’t it?

Meet Frankie Marks: the world’s least likely fashion PR. She doesn’t know the first thing about designers, she’s always hungry, and she can’t learn to think before she speaks. When Frankie lands a job at the prestigious GGC agency, her friends and family can’t believe it – least of all her long-suffering boyfriend James.

Frankie quickly realises she must fight with everything she’s got to survive life behind the scenes of the glamorous and chaotic industry – with its eccentric characters, towering expectations, and quite frankly ridiculous requests.

As the pressure builds and Frankie’s personal life is in jeopardy, will she manage to escape the strange world of fashion unscathed? And for that matter, will she even want to?

(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


A brilliant fictionalised account of the industry . . . Perfect for fans of The Devil Wears Prada
Clare Pooley
Natalie Lewis's debut novel is an addictive, glorious romp through the world of fashion PR. Reading Don't Believe the Hype feels like spending time with your funniest, most gossipy, best dressed friend
The Bookseller
A fictional behind-the-scenes look at the absurdities of the fashion industry, written by a PR with more than 30 years' experience
Laura Jane Williams
A romp of a novel that's just so much fun, I absolutely adored this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the messy world of fashion PR
Minnie Driver
This book is hilarious. The season's must have
Heather Darwent
A hilarious dive into the fascinating world of fashion PR, with copious amounts of glamour, demanding clients, and lots of twists. I was swept up in Frankie's world and didn't want it to end!
Anya Hindmarch
This book lifts the lid on the mad world of fashion
Fans of The Devil Wears Prada will love this
Bishop's Stortford Independent
I literally gobbled this book up in one sitting. Great fun
Claudia Winkleman
A fun glimpse into the fabulous word of fashion
This brilliant book by Natalie Lewis, who worked for 30 years in the industry, offers an unrivalled behind-the-scenes look at fashion PR
Fans of THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA and CALL MY AGENT will love this one!
Ed Vaizey, Times Radio
The most exciting novel published in 2023
The National, Scotland
So very charming . . . A perfect early summer read. It is a journey not only of the ups and downs of fashion PR, but of self-discovery, of growing up and finding paths you never could have expected, developing and keeping an open mind at every sequinned and studded obstacle