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The OIQ Factor: Raising Your School's Organizational Intelligence: How Schools Can Become Cognitively, Socially and Emotionally Smart

On sale

15th July 2013

Price: £15.5

Selected:  Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781908095916

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This fascinating book, written by two experts in school improvement, is for teachers and school leaders who are looking for ways to raise the organizational intelligence quotient (OIQ) of their classrooms and their schools. It is ideal for those who perceive themselves as the facilitators of learning – for students, for colleagues and for themselves. If schools are to be transformed and transformative, teacher-learners will lead the way. Simplistic and superficial approaches to improving student learning simply don’t work. School improvement isn’t a technical challenge; it is an adaptive one. It requires a change not just in behaviors and skills, but in values, beliefs and even identity.