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I Believe in You

On sale

13th April 2023

Price: £6.99

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Selected: Digital (deliver electronic) / ISBN-13: 9781837991945

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If you want to lift someone’s spirits and fill them with confidence, look no further than this pocket-sized book of inspiring quotes and affirmations

Simple words of encouragement are powerful things. Sometimes the best gift you can give is letting someone know just how special they truly are. That’s why this little book is packed with empowering quotes and affirming statements, perfect for telling someone you care about that you believe in them.

From the worldly wisdom of early philosophers to the musings of modern superstars, these words will inspire, motivate and uplift. The ideal gift for any occasion, whether you know someone who’s taking their driving test, about to graduate, or perhaps just in need of a little confidence boost.

As well as the wise words of great writers, artists and thinkers, this book includes a host of positive affirmations and daily reminders such as:

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable
Everything that you are is enough
You have to believe in order to achieve
Live life on your terms and never apologize for it
You are the creator of your own destiny