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The Secondary Curriculum Leader's Handbook

On sale

3rd May 2019

Price: £16

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Selected: Digital (deliver electronic) / ISBN-13: 9781398383890

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At a time of renewed focus on the schools curriculum, Roy Blatchford has brought together some of the sharpest thinkers in education in a brilliant mixture of both practical and conceptual essays about what makes for a positive secondary curriculum.

Perfectly timed to reflect the new Ofsted framework, the contributions reflect a range of thinking, planning and delivery, as schools do it now and will for the future. It is a compendium of proven practice, offering tips to less experienced/adventurous middle and senior leaders.

Featuring contributions from: Iain Veitch; Deborah Eyre; Stephen Rollett; David Birch; Melanie Saunders; Fran Haynes; Mary Myatt; Rebecca Clark; Nick Soar; Rachel Macfarlane; Ashley Robson; Jo Facer; Ed Vainker; Samuel Strickland; Simon Watson; Elizabeth Swan; Peter Hyman.