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The Little Book for Wild Swimmers

On sale

8th February 2024

Price: £6.99

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Selected: ebook / ISBN-13: 9781837992089

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Escape the frantic pace of the everyday, reconnect with your wild side and discover the healing power of swimming outdoors

Nature is a balm for both the body and soul – and nothing comes close to the exhilaration of that first stroke in a lake, river or sea. Whether you’ve already taken the plunge or simply want to dip a toe in, this beautiful book is brimming with all the tips and inspiration you need to harness the invigorating benefits of wild swimming.
Within these pages you will discover:

· Why we are drawn to water, how it can wash away stress and enhance our well-being

· How to plan safe swims, finesse your kit bag and take the perfect underwater photo

· A collection of colour photographs of spectacular swim spots for your dip list

The great outdoors is waiting for you, so get out into the fresh air, find your way back to nature and set yourself free.