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I am an Autistic Girl

On sale

21st November 2023

Price: £12.99

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Selected: ebook / ISBN-13: 9781805011217

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Lizzie is an autistic girl, which means that her brain works differently to her friends, and even to autistic boys!
In this book, Lizzie explains what it’s like to be an autistic girl, including how she has a special talent for blending in with her friends, how she can get really tired after being at school all day, how she worries about making mistakes, and how she finds it hard to understand how she is feeling.

By simply, clearly and positively explaining the social differences associated with young autistic girls, this book will help autistic girls aged 5-11 to understand their diagnosis, recognise their unique strengths and celebrate their differences, and find ways of coping with difficulties. This positive, and celebratory book also contains helpful discussion points for parents and professionals to explore further with the girls in their care.