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On sale

10th November 2022

Price: £4.99

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Selected: ebook / ISBN-13: 9781837990528

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Transform your relationship with yourself! This is the ultimate guide to embracing self-love and living a life with more self-compassion

We all know the value of treating other people with kindness – so why do we often forget to extend the same courtesy to ourselves?

Learn a radical new approach to self-love with this beautiful handbook. Through a combination of practical tips and actionable advice, Self-Kindness will help you to deepen your self-love and grow your happiness.

You will learn how to:

Find peace within yourself and nurture a more positive mindset

Look after your mind and body to develop greater self-confidence

Enrich your overall health and well-being with diet and exercise

Tap into the uplifting power of affirmations

Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey to self-acceptance, or you’re a seasoned self-love advocate, let this guide celebrate and support you as you continue on the path to self-kindness, joy and well-being.