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The Hot Topic: Thoughts on the M*N*P**SE

On sale

5th May 2016

Price: £8.99

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Selected: Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781780722672

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In this fabulously confessional romp through the menopause, D’Souza tells us what it was like for her, and what it will be like for you. The Hot Topic is a treat of a book liberating, empowering and unexpectedly moving in its truth-telling.


Kate Reardon.
Menopause is something none of us want to talk about, it s a club that no one yearns to belong to. So I am on my knees, weeping with gratitude to Christa D'Souza for writing about menopause in a way that doesn't make me want to run screaming for the hills. Finally, a cool look at hot flushes... Men, if you want anything more than the most shallow relationship with a woman over 40, man up and read this book.
Cressida Connolly
Christa D'Souza is warm, witty and wise. No woman - or man, come to that - should be without this book.
Mariella Frostrup
At last a no-nonsense, myth debunking and even amusing look at the M word. The final step to equality has to be turning the menopause from its current secret, shameful status into a topic we can happily discuss, learn to best negotiate and celebrate. In these pages Christa D'Souza puts us firmly on that path.
Anya Hindmarch
With this book, Christa has branded the over-40s as the cool kids. Who else could make a book on the menopause a rip-roaring, witty but intelligent read? I laughed and laughed and learnt.
Christiane Amanpour, CNN chief international correspondent
Been there... survived that... but how I wish I'd had this menopause tour guide to get me through. Brilliant and beautifully written.
Kate Reardon, author and ex-editor of Tatler magazine
'Menopause is something none of us want to talk about, it s a club that no one yearns to belong to. So I am on my knees, weeping with gratitude to Christa D'Souza for writing about menopause in a way that doesn't make me want to run screaming for the hills. Finally, a cool look at hot flushes... Men, if you want anything more than the most shallow relationship with a woman over 40, man up and read this book.'
Cressida Connolly, author of The After Party
'Christa D'Souza is warm, witty and wise. No woman - or man, come to that - should be without this book.'
Mariella Frostrup, author of Cracking the Menopause
At last a no-nonsense, myth debunking and even amusing look at the M word. The final step to equality has to be turning the menopause from its current secret, shameful status into a topic we can happily discuss, learn to best negotiate and celebrate. In these pages Christa D'Souza puts us firmly on that path.'
Anya Hindmarch
'With this book, Christa has branded the over-40s as the cool kids. Who else could make a book on the menopause a rip-roaring, witty but intelligent read? I laughed and laughed and learnt.'
Christine Amanpour, CNN chief international correspondent
'Been there... survived that... but how I wish I'd had this menopause tour guide to get me through. Brilliant and beautifully written.'