Hachette Careers: The Blog

Hello. Thanks for visiting our blog, which has been running since 2016. Over the years, we’ve featured many stories from staff, interns and people on work experience to give you an insider’s view of what it’s really like to work for the UK’s best publisher.
We’ve got a series of ‘Inside Stories’ from Hachette Staff so that you can find out what it’s really like working with us and explore the range of opportunities we have here. So, if you want to know what publishers do all day, this will be the place to find out. Everyone who works in publishing loves books, but not all of us work in editorial – so you’ll hear from our marketing, digital, publicity, finance, HR and distribution people too.
We’re hoping to show you just what an appealing and exciting place to work this is, and if we succeed in that we’ll also going to give you some support in applying for jobs, CV tips, what to expect at an interview and much much more – it can be competitive getting your foot in the door, but there are some very easy quick wins.
And if there are topics you’re interested in, or questions you’d like answered, please do let us know – you can email us here or follow us on Twitter (@HachetteCareers) and ask there.
When we ask people what they enjoy most about working here, the answers are always the same – The Books and The People. There are loads of places to find out about our books, and our authors, but fewer to find out about who we are, and why we’re so loveable (no, really).
So, I’m going to start. I’m Cathy, I work in HR, I’ve been here for nearly 10 years and previously worked for Another Publisher Who Must Not Be Named. I love it here. It’s creative, it’s commercial and people here really love working here – this is not the sort of HR job where I spend much time investigating peoples’ timekeeping. People really feel strongly about their books and their authors and work hard to make sure they are bringing them to the widest possible audience. It’s a dynamic environment, professional without being corporate which works for me because I look terrible in a suit and my hair always makes me look a bit hand-knitted. Also I work part time and that works too, as it does for many people at all levels within Hachette.
I work in a great team of enthusiastic people, whose dedication extends up to and beyond working all of the Friday afternoons in August. We’re responsible for learning & development within the business, managing the recruitment and induction process, advising managers on all staff issues and implementing and updating the company’s many benefit schemes. Catchphrases include ‘It’ll be fine’, ‘I was never worried’ and ‘Did I miss the doughnut trolley?’.
So, if you’re here, you’re probably already a bit interested in publishing, so I hope you’ll stick with us while we tell you all about it…