Luke Gamble
Luke Gamble graduated from Bristol University in 1999 as a vet before specialising in large animal medicine and surgery at Cambridge. Primarily based in his New Forest practice, his extra-curricular work with the Worldwide Veterinary Service charity (which he founded in 2003) takes him further afield. He also runs an emergency service for animals in Dorset and a pet travel company.
Alongside his veterinary endeavours, Luke is a black belt in karate, has run the Marathon Des Sables (for charity and to impress his wife) and in 2010 was awarded the James Herriot Award by the British Small Animal Veterinary Association for outstanding contributions to the welfare of companion animals.
Luke is married to a vet and lives in New Forest with his three children, Angel the ridgeback and a bossy rescue cat called Charlie.
The Vet: my wild and wonderful friends was his first book, followed by his overseas adventures in The Vet: the big wild world.
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