Kristina Wright
Kristina Wright, described by the Romance Reader as “a budding force to be reckoned with”, is a full-time writer and the editor of the bestselling Fairy Tale Lust: Erotic Fantasies for Women, as well as other anthologies including Dream Lover; Steamlust; Lustfully Ever After; Duty and Desire and the Best Erotic Romance series for Cleis Press. Her erotic romance Seduce Me Tonight is forthcoming from HarperCollins Mischief and her erotica has been published in over one hundred anthologies. Her articles, interviews and book reviews have appeared in numerous publications, both print and online. She received the Golden Heart Award for Romantic Suspense from Romance Writers of America for her first novel Dangerous Curves and she is a member of RWA as well as the special interest chapters Passionate Ink and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal. She is a book reviewer for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association (erotica-readers.com) and blogs regularly at the multi-author blog Oh Get a Grip! (ohgetagrip.blogspot.com). She holds degrees in English and Humanities and has taught College Composition and World Mythology at the community college level. Originally from South Florida, Kristina is living happily ever after in Virginia with her husband Jay and their two little boys. You can visit her website at kristinawright.com.
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