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Pirates to the Rescue: Heave Ho! Pirates Can Work Together

On sale

25th May 2017

Price: £6.99

Selected:  Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780750296274

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This brilliantly funny story about pirates shows how important it can be to work together as a team.
A huge storm is approaching the Golden Duck and Captain Cod needs to get the ship’s sails down quickly before they are torn apart in the storm. He asks each pirate one by one to pull down a sail. But the pirates struggle on their own and the storm gets worse. Will anyone realise that they need all hands on deck to work as a team to get the job done. Can they pull together in time to save the ship?

The books in the ‘Pirates to the Rescue’ series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.